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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 20zyxw0

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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 2iqbvk6
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 2yv05sg

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Ei1eg8

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 91fggl

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 2qmgdiw

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 34hxnvp

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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations W8t3zc
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 33aqyjs
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» Françoise Delvaux. { Falta la casa.
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Icon_minitimeMiér Abr 04, 2012 6:03 pm por Françoise Delvaux

» # Registro de Raza
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Icon_minitimeMiér Abr 04, 2012 5:53 pm por Françoise Delvaux

» # Registro de Nombres
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Icon_minitimeMiér Abr 04, 2012 5:52 pm por Françoise Delvaux

» # Registro de Apellido
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Icon_minitimeMiér Abr 04, 2012 5:51 pm por Françoise Delvaux

» # Instrucciones y Test del Sombrero
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Icon_minitimeMiér Abr 04, 2012 4:26 pm por Françoise Delvaux

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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Icon_minitimeMiér Abr 04, 2012 3:31 pm por Françoise Delvaux

» Mundo Mágico Latino - Afiliación Elite
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Icon_minitimeMiér Ene 11, 2012 3:50 pm por Invitado

» Charlotte Greengrass {Ficha}
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Icon_minitimeMiér Nov 23, 2011 3:14 am por Charlotte Nott

» Foro rol yaoi
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Icon_minitimeLun Oct 10, 2011 9:02 pm por Invitado

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 2yo62s3
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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 5vunhi
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 11ahmdf
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 2s13jf8
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 1t0pbc
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 2yxfclj I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 2ujldvp I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Az8kzd Photobucket I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Blind40x40 I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 40x4011 I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Jnm Photobucket Photobucket PrettyLittleLiars I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations F0rzpcopia I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Dos I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Boton3-1 I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Sw40x40 I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 40x40 I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Ghostg10 I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 40x40n Inferno City Photobucket I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations 1t0jll
I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations J661qu

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations

2 participantes

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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Empty I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations

Mensaje por Hunter A. Rousseu Miér Ago 17, 2011 7:07 pm

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Tumblr_lba27mtIlp1qdubemo1_500
Hunter Alexander Rousseu

17 años ; Heterosexual ; Gryffindor ; Prefecto

Descripción psicológica;
Es una persona que ama la libertad, volcándose mas a lo que le resulta importante así mismo, sin dejar que nadie escoja por el. Mas allá de eso el suele preocuparse mucho por las pocas personas a quienes llega a querer, puesto que es bastante desconfiado de la gente en general, y le cuesta fiarse en quienes lo rodean, no importa que pueda conocerte de toda la vida, siempre habrá una parte suya que lo mantenga al margen, que no le permite creer todo lo que el otro diga. Sin embargo, cuando alguien forma parte de aquellas personas que el estima, no seria exagerado el decir que el seria capaz de dar todo cuanto posee por ese "grupo", no conoce de limites cuando se trata de la gente que aprecia y que realmente le importa; sin embargo podría decirse que solo su familia y dos o tres personas mas forman parte del mismo. Es una persona sumamente directa, a veces demasiado, al punto de decir las cosas con poco tacto, porque considera que la mentira mata las relaciones; y así como el es de directo, espera que los demás lo sean con el, es por esto también que rápidamente se decepciona de las personas que conoce. Es necio, terco, testarudo, la mayor parte del tiempo cree tener la razón, y eso lo hace una persona un tanto difícil de tratar, aunque es cierto que si se da cuenta de que se equivocó, lo reconocerá, el hacer que entre en razón será una tarea mas que ardua. Por esto también, podría desprenderse el que es una persona sumamente perseverante, cuando quiere algo no se rinde hasta conseguirlo, sin importar cuanto esfuerzo tenga que hacer para concretarlo. Además es una de esas personas a las cuales si bien puedes creer conocer bien, un día te das cuenta como si nada que solo has conocido lo que él te permitió. No por nada en especial, sino porque a pesar de las apariencias y del comportamiento generalmente sociable que resulta evidente en él, es una persona a la cual no le gusta que la sepan interpretar; esto no significa que tenga dos tipos diferentes de personalidad, ni que pretenda ser de una forma y luego demuestre ser de otra, sino que muy por el contrario, ante todo él siempre busca la honestidad, una que le resulta difícil de alcanzar en determinados temas o circunstancias puesto que comete el error de creer que el mostrar o evidenciar cuanto siente o piensa lo hace débil, o potencialmente débil. No se caracteriza por ser paciente, sino todo lo contrario, por lo que podría decirse que solo a unas contadas personas les tiene la suficiente paciencia como para soportar sus caprichos. Es también una persona de una gran moral, que se deja guiar mas por lo que cree, piensa y siente que por las imposiciones que lo rodean, aunque por ello a menudo parece un pez luchando contra la corriente. Es además, un ser impulsivo, que se deja llevar rápidamente por las situaciones, sobretodo cuando están en ellas inmersas las personas que el valora.

Hufflepuff # Gryffindor # Ravenclaw # Slytherin # Profesores y personal de Hogwarts # Otros #

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Tumblr_lgpyny9szV1qh78ido1_500
'Cause we were raised, to see life as a fun and take it if we can

»Alecto Rousseu
»Helena Rousseu

»Kayleigh Rousseu
»Rainbow Rousseu


Familia adoptiva;

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Liam-3-liam-court-20527431-500-250
One Love! What about the one heart? One Heart! Let's get together and feel all right

Mejores amigos;
{Muy buena explicación}

Mejores amigas;
{Muy buena explicación}
»Kayleigh Rousseu

Buenos amigos;


»Clark J. Collingwood

»Kayleigh Rousseu

»Kayleigh Rousseu
»Clark J. Collingwood


»Kayleigh Rousseu
»Clark J. Collingwood

»Clark J. Collingwood

Trato cordial;


I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Tumblr_ljye6aZSn81qasnyro1_500
So let's get a party going, now it's time to party and we'll party hard

Amigos de fiesta;
»Kayleigh Rousseu

Curas de resaca;


Amigos con derecho;
{Buena explicación}

Tensión sexual;
»Elizabeth S. Bellwood

Rollos de una noche;
{Buena explicación}


I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Tumblr_llbnnvytqi1qk95xno1_500
Oh, we just get closer, I fall in love all over, every time I look at you





»Elizabeth S. Bellwood

{Muy buena explicación}


{Muy buena explicación}

Amor platónico;
{Muy buena explicación}

Niegan sentimientos;
»Elizabeth S. Bellwood

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Liam-Court-liam-court-24163894-500-250
I love you... I hate you... I can't get around you...

»Kayleigh Rousseu
»Elizabeth S. Bellwood

Trato hostil;
»Elizabeth S. Bellwood


Gente molesta;


{Buena explicación}

{Muy buena explicación}

»Elizabeth S. Bellwood

{Buena explicación}
»Elizabeth S. Bellwood

I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Liam-3-liam-court-20527499-500-282
You're so fucking special, I wish I was special...

Gryffindor's Pride; {#}
Todos nosostros, estamos unidos, como una familia

Dwarf! U Are Awesome Little Blonde; [url=In process...]{#}[/url]
El pequeño enamorado de mi hermanita, siempre serás mi mejor amigo pequeño!
»Clark J. Collingwood

My Only Favorite Snake, Little Sis; [url=In process...]{#}[/url]
Mi pequeña hermanita! Aún que digas ser una niña grande, siempre serás mi enana :3
»Kayleigh Rousseu

Última edición por Hunter A. Rousseu el Jue Ago 18, 2011 7:23 pm, editado 3 veces
Hunter A. Rousseu
Hunter A. Rousseu

Mensajes : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Empty Re: I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations

Mensaje por Clark J. Collingwood Miér Ago 17, 2011 8:09 pm

¡Quiero mis puestos ladrón de galletas!
Clark J. Collingwood
Clark J. Collingwood

Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011
Localización : En la torre de Astronomía espiándote.

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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Empty Re: I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations

Mensaje por Hunter A. Rousseu Miér Ago 17, 2011 8:51 pm

Ya estás Dwarf! :3
Hunter A. Rousseu
Hunter A. Rousseu

Mensajes : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Empty Re: I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations

Mensaje por Hunter A. Rousseu Jue Ago 18, 2011 7:44 pm


Hunter A. Rousseu
Hunter A. Rousseu

Mensajes : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations Empty Re: I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight ; Hunt's relations

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Contenido patrocinado

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